NIBRT win ‘Best Flexible Working Strategy Award’ in the HR Leadership & Management Awards 2022

NIBRT is thrilled to have won ‘Best Flexible Working Strategy’ category for our hybrid working policy.  Many thanks and congratulations to our HR and Ways of Working (WOW) team at NIBRT who spent two years designing this working model.

The award was announced on Friday 14th October in Clontarf Castle Hotel in Dublin in a category with stiff competition from – Trinity College Dublin, Department of Transport, FINEOS Flex, Permanent TSB and CluneTech.

Launched in 2015, the HR Leadership & Management Awards has established itself as the benchmark for those demonstrating excellence in HR in Ireland. We were delighted to be recognised for our work in this complex and rapidly changing working world.

Our hybrid working policy is based on a persona driven model with varying flexibilities for different roles. We provided home office set up and ergonomic assessment, laptops and associated online meeting tools for all employees, guidance on the new right to disconnect code of practice through a new communications guideline, updated our lone working policy and alarm systems, documented the options available for working from non-Irish jurisdictions as well as redesigning our office spaces.

This project has also been shortlisted as a finalist in the HR achievement category in the upcoming Pharma Awards – watch this space!

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